mission is putting current research to work to improve
brain skills in the real world. The Brainwaves® Center
provides the general public with practical applications
of current research in the neurosciences, to help our readers
improve and maintain mental skills.
The Brainwaves Center's information is trustworthy because
we study the published neuroscience research and build
our text and targeted exercises from those results. We
write up only what applies to practical, day to day living
as we humans walk around in the real world. We don't report
how lab rats seem to think, only what humans do when given
a specific task.
We are dedicated to improving performance that maintains
self-sufficiency and quality of life. We design tools for
thinking in the form of brain games and self-tests. These
tools build different mental muscles because they are based
on the same tasks used in cognitive research on how normal
humans behave when they are given a similar task. We don't
test abstract, academic skills. We create sets of mental
exercises targeted to stimulate the essential circuits
that run your life. We reveal crucial research that can
improve anybody's mental performance.
Our advice is based
on proven facts that would otherwise remain buried in
obscure scientific journals. We construct "tasks" based
on cognitive experiments that sharpen different parts of
the brain so they grow stronger and work faster to get
things done in the real world. We are like a brain gym
where you go to play selected brain games to buff up connections
between neurons for memory or for eye-hand coordination,
or creative visualization, social facility, emotional control,
math and vocabulary, concentration power, and other abilities
that make you human.
The Brainwaves
Center's skill-building exercises are targeted to prevent
embarrassing symptoms of age-related decline in crucial
thought-processes that could develop into Alzheimer's
disease. You can maintain your brain's infrastructure — its
paths to your knowledge. How does that work? Brain cells
die off at a steady rate starting about age 27. Mostly,
the ones that die are the ones not being used. Brain
cells do their different mental jobs by passing an electrical
current that jumps from one cell to another to fire up
a circuit. When a cell is not there, or its wiring is
weak from disuse, the circuit fails. That, for example,
is why you forgot something you should have known.
I am concerned
by the future need to care for a large population of
elder people who are not cognitively self-sufficient.
Caring for a physically mobile person with anti-social
or self-destructive capabilities is very, very expensive.
Expensive in creating physical environments that protect
the elder from himself, paying for 24/7 supervision, training — then
having to replace — caregivers who burn out emotionally
from long exposure to a super-stressful job.
Furthermore, I am worried about facing an impending, epidemiological
threat: The number of cognitively-impaired elders will
increase exponentially as children born in the post-WW
II population bulge turn 65 years old. I am concerned that
most people still do not know that they can maintain their
mental powers longer into their lives simply by exercising
them vigorously.
Here are 4 Keys to avoid symptoms
of embarrassing and debilitating cognitive decline.
Key #1: Human brains are lazy. They burn almost 20% of
the nutrition in your system. So they shut down their circuits
that are not being used. Worse still, the brain is wired
to prune cells at a steady rate starting at around 25 years
of age. This apoptosis process continues relentlessly whether
you exercise your brain or not. All the more reason to
cultivate the remaining cells that produce brain power.
Key #2: Fortunately, the human brain is also wired to
solve whatever problems you present to it. Pushing your
brain to work increases the physical strength and volume
of its circuits that solve the different kinds of problems
you face every day of every year you live. More challenges
creates more circuits to meet them. The circuits in different
parts of the brain cooperate to find a solution. Solving
the daily crossword is fine but it uses only a few circuits,
mostly in the left hemisphere. Performing music, for example,
tunes up many more circuits on both sides of the brain.
Key #3: Exercising the rest of your body helps maintain
blood flow to the brain. Physical conditioning exercise
also pays off in building and maintaining mental muscle.
It doesn't ask for much: 20 minutes of fast walking on
four days per week will do it. The equivalent in your choice
of activity will work too. Keeping fit gives you the power
and the self confidence to take on more challenges.
Key #4: Feeling good about yourself helps maintain your
brain. When you have done some thing well (like getting
in good shape, for example), it charges up your confidence
to tackle another skill. It charges up your batteries to
try something else new you would otherwise be afraid you
couldn't handle.
Strengthen your hand in this game of life by strengthening
and maintaining your brain power. |